Damac Q4 Best Broker Award 2021

Congratulations to the hardworking and determined members of DRE for winning the Broker Awards Q4, 2021. What an accomplishment! The achievement was made possible by the patience and hard work of the DRE family.

Receiving the award was an exciting time for us. All of us were on cloud nine. When we gathered to receive the trophy, the air was full of enthusiasm and positive energy. In this case, it was not one person who received the award; it was a family of DRE. Upon arriving on stage, our whole team was very excited, as if this was our canvas onto which we painted our success.

We received the award because of our team’s efforts, and we believe that if everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of it on its own. Our team is not a group just because we work together but because we respect each other.

As long as we kept our heads above water, we were sure of staying afloat. We are proud of this award and promise to keep on topping the rankings and fill our cupboards with more accolades in the future. The partnership with Damac is getting stronger every day, and we are achieving milestones together.