Elie Saab-Le Timbre – The Amazing Lebanese Fashioner Elie Saab has his own stamps

Mr. ELIE SAAB is the first Arab to be acknowledged as the fashion industry’s governing body and now he is a Lebanese fashion designer.

A more critical take a gander at ELIE SAAB Le Timbre a stamp respecting Mr. Saab for his accomplishments, clearing his way from Lebanon to the world.

A national Lebanese postage stamp regarding Mr. Elie Saab was uncovered, highlighting his picture, and is planned to pay tribute to his universal achievements and his consistent duty observing Lebanon’s ability and name around the world.

Elie Saab is Hollywood’s sweetheart and the Middle East’s most praised architect. His profound pull love for Lebanon has dependably been clear in his accumulations, and now his home city is paying reverence to the extraordinary couturier. Amid a show held at the recently reestablished Beit Beirut, a national Lebanese postage stamp respecting Saab was uncovered. Named “Elie Saab-Le Timbre“, the authority’s stamp was discharged by the Liban Post and highlights a picture of the creator, made to commend his achievements. The occasion was held under the support of HE Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and was gone to by dignitaries, craftsmen, media, local and global big names, just as companions of Mr. Saab.

The adventure speaks to a progressing exemplification of Lebanese victories and achievements both imaginatively and innovatively, and this driving activity means to recognize Mr. Elie Saab as a pioneer having put Lebanon on the universal design map, making him Lebanon real column and trailblazer, yet more critically, a good example for the Lebanese youth and ages to come.