UAE sends a clinical guide to India in the battle against COVID-19.

The UAE has sent a guide plane containing seven metric huge amounts of clinical supplies to India to reinforce the nation’s endeavors to check the spread of COVID-19. The guide will help around 7,000 clinical experts as they work to battle the infection.

UAE Ambassador, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al Banna commented on the aid delivery to India that: “The UAE is devoted to stretching out basic help to countries trying to reinforce their battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. UAE’s help to India comes in the salutation of the significant and charitable ties our two nations have shared constantly.”

He included that: “Now COVID-19 has become a primary global concern and we act out of our belief that firming up the efforts of other countries to contain the virus is a pressing necessity,”.

Until this point, the UAE has given in excess of 348 metric huge amounts of help to more than 34 nations, supporting almost 348,000 clinical experts simultaneously.

The above data is from Emirates News Agency which they gave on Saturday.